"Masters of the Air" Main Title
"Masters of the Air" is a gripping World War II drama that follows the courageous exploits of American bomber pilots in the European theater. With breathtaking aerial sequences and intense character drama, it portrays the bravery, camaraderie, and sacrifices of these men as they navigate the dangers of wartime skies. My role was compositing and animating the design frames to help shape a cohesive look for the title.


Studio Imaginary Forces for Apple TV

Creative Director: Alan Williams
Designer: Elizabeth Steinberg, Henry Chang
Animator/Compositor: Henry Chang, Max Strizich, Charlie Proctor,
Scott Bell, David Burgis, Daniel Kamhaji, Merrill Hall
Lead editor: Jeremiah Shuff
Editor: Lexi Gunvaldson, Rachel Brewster
Producer: Keith Bryant, Jordan Sharon, Renee Robson, Jackson Kerr
Coordinator: Megan Catoe, Steve Frech
Interns: Minjee Ru, Jiani Hong

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